5 Days, 5 Ways to Revolutionize the B2B Sale
Amp up your B2B sales with curated step-by-step tactics for success, delivered straight to your inbox.
Understand the voice of your customer with research tailored to your area of expertise.
Eliminate the guesswork. Drive decisions with data.
Set the right Strategic vision.
Drive business forward and make big decisions with confidence.
Product Development:
Test small. Launch big.
Track trends. Discover opportunities. Launch innovative products.
Manufacturers: Need access to exclusive, industry-specific market research?
Become a ThinkLab Insider member.
Product Development Teams:
Test small. Launch big.
Ever wonder what they say when you’re not in the room? Partner with ThinkLab to curate a design audience that helps you launch relevant products and ease your investment angst.
We present your concept.
Your product is showcased in an unbiased, industry-neutral setting
You receive candid feedback.
We curate your target audience and gather relevant insights.
You proceed with confidence.
Eliminate internal debate. Validate your design direction.
What is your primary role on a project as a specifier?
Marketing teams:
Strengthen your message.
Do you need crowd-sourced feedback from A&D so you can invest in the tools that matter most to specifiers without wasting precious resources? This study collected insights from hundreds of specifiers examining which tools designers want most, and how their needs differ by generation.
Sales teams:
Grow your business.
Designers are busy, but loyal. Building relationships is crucial, and in the new, digitized world, old tactics don’t work. Develop simple, effective strategies that make you the go-to for today’s specifiers.
The design industry is ever evolving and setting a strategy for how to connect with this audience requires an understanding of where we stand today. ThinkLab’s U.S. Design Industry Benchmark Report explores key industry trends and benchmark data across 7 essential categories including geographic and economic design firm profiles to equip your team for success.
As the consumer experience gets increasingly frictionless, B2B buyers expect the same. Our step-by-step toolkit of solutions helps you save time and energy with 100 actionable ideas to revolutionize the B2B sale. It’s your clear roadmap to driving real results for to drive success in key areas for the interiors industry.
We solve unique problems with custom services:
What can we do that is 100% just for you?
Designers are busy. CEUs can help you reach them.
Competitive Studies
See how you stack up against the competition
Interviews & Focus Groups
We facilitate conversations with brilliant design minds.
Want to partner on what’s brewing next?
Influence research topics and participate in design thinking sessions that market your brand to the design community.